The Kindness Challenge
Some kids were seemingly born kind. Then there’s the other 98%. The organization Kids for Peace has a Kindness Challenge. The goal is to simply be kinder to those around us. I love the idea! See what your family can come up with or try one of these suggestions.
- Compliment someone.
- Talk to someone who looks lonely.
- Do your chores before being told.
- Make someone in your family their favorite drink. (Ask for help from a different adult if you don’t know how.) If you don’t know, hot cocoa is a safe treat.
- Hug you grandma or another older family member or close family friend.
- Clean your shoes before walking into the house and leave them by the door, especially if they are dirty/muddy.
- Give someone flowers.
- Thank the person who made or bought your most recent meal.
- Spend time outside with a friend or loved one you don’t hang out with often. No electronics!
- Write and send a thank you note. It will be a particularly nice surprise if it’s for something routine like picking you up from school. That lets them know you notice and appreciate.
- Wipe down the outside of the fridge.
- Hold the door for another person.
- Carry something for another person whose arms are full.
- Paint a kindness rock and put it somewhere.
- Smile for a picture, even if you don’t like pictures. That other person will like the memory.
- Make a plan for dinner. Find a recipe, gather the ingredients you have on hand (leaving refrigerated things in the fridge) and make a list of what you need.
- Clean out your old toys. Broken pieces can go to art teachers for junk art projects but send the rest to Salvation Army or someone else who can use it.
- Help a kid who is struggling in a sport you are good at.
- Be a good loser and a good winner (no gloating).
- Make a card and give it to someone.
Have fun and don’t forget to share ways you have encouraged kindness in your family.