It’s all about the kids
I have had a blog at HistoricalConstitution.com for several years but had a hard time posting regularly because I felt like my posts needed to be more “scholarly” and devoid of my personal biases and feelings as much as possible.
Frankly, that just hasn’t worked for me. Some of my view skew left, some right, and I am willing to talk and listen to people of almost any point of view – as long as they are respectful and it’s an actual conversation, not a diatribe.
In the end, I like to believe I am moderate. But I am not shy and retiring. My quirky personality is generally right there for everyone to see.
As a writer, I have also struggled because my books are (non-fiction) about the Constitution, being a Cub Scout leader, getting married, and (fiction) YA zombie apocalypse stories. I have six books in four genres!
I finally realized that the common ground for my books is my kids. I want them to understand the Constitution, so I need to understand it. I want them to have a great Scouting experience, so I need to be a great (or at least good) leader. And I want them to have zombie stories that don’t scare the pants off of them, so I wrote them. Everything I write is, in some way, about the kids.