Family & Food: The Reasons for the Season
It is December and the holiday season is getting into full swing. I have always shopped throughout the year, so my shopping was done by sometime in November. Now that I have kids, it is even more important to me to have most of my shopping done by then because it lets me spend December focused on doing things with the kids instead of shopping. I know some people will be annoyed by my saying anything other than Jesus is “the reason for the season,” but I view the holiday season as extending from the Thanksgiving holiday clear through New Years. Only one of those holidays is related to Jesus, but they all involve family and food, although New Years focuses more on friends for most young adults.
Here are some of my favorite things to do.
- Visit a historical house or site. Many have special activities for the holidays.
- Go to a holiday concert or show.
- Watch holiday movies.
- Listen to Christmas music.
- Go to Christmas Eve service.
- Go ice skating.
- Decorate the house and tree.
- The Elf on the Shelf. There are boy elfs and girl elves, and they have different skin, eye, and hair colors, so you can choose on that most closely resembles your child.
Sweets and Eats to Make (or buy)
- Cinnamon almonds! We bake several pounds worth and give them to every one of my kids’ teachers.
- Cookies, of course, especially shortbread.
- Chocolate coated pretzels, some with sprinkles.
- Hot chocolate with whipped topping and chocolate shavings (using a vegetable peeler and chocolate bar), using my elementary son’s personal recipe.
- Hot chocolate with peppermint, orange, cherry (my personal favorite) or other flavored extracts (only a few drops are needed).
- Hot chai.
- Eggnog. OK, I buy that, but I share it with my Dad, the only other one in the family who likes it.
- Chocolate oranges in everyone’s stocking.
What are your favorites? Please share them in the comments. Maybe someone else will find their new favorite tradition!