Every Quality Dad Blog We Can Find
This is a website for fathers, and websites for dads can be hard to find. When we started looking, we found some great-looking lists of daddy blogs only to be disappointed when many turned out to be no longer maintained, rarely posted to, lacking useful advice, or excessively political. The last two groups contain some good blogs, but I’m not looking for strictly personal stories or politics (whether I agree with it or not) when I am looking for parenting advice.
This is an alphabetical list of every daddy blog we found that meets the criteria above. Some are faith-based blogs because we at Wise Fathers believe that faith is important and personal, not political.
- #365DaystoLive: This is an outstanding challenge Single Dad Laughing set for himself and invited his readers to join. He decided to live – really live – every day for a year.
- Bushcraft for Kids: Outdoor skills (bushcraft) for kids.
- Courageous Christian Father: A dad blog about God, the Bible, other Christian blogs, and Christian-based businesses.
- Dad Can Do: A website for all dads but with particular emphasis on dads who are single or don’t have primary custody.
- Daddy Burns the Salad: Parenting advice by a dad who is making it up as he goes.
- Daddy Doin’ Work: He is passionate about inspiring moms and dads to be the best parents they can be, which has led this daddy blogger to become one of the most popular and respected fatherhood influencers in America
- Daddy Mojo: A parenting site on family, life, and poop culture.
- Dads Who Change Diapers: One dad who is determined to encourage businesses to install diaper changing stations in men’s rooms.
- Dadsigner: A visual designer and dad, he posts about quality kids products as well as how to posts, design, and photography tips.
- Derek Harvey: An entrepreneur, dad, and husband writing about his life, including losing a nearly-full-term, still-born daughter.
- Designer Daddy: This blog is home to one writer’s obsessions with pop culture and superheroes, the occasional crafting project, and her adventures being the gay dad of an adopted son.
- Going Dad: This dad is concerned with healthy eating (he loves veggies) and fitness.
- High Income Parents: While the target audience is (clearly) high-income parents, many of the tips are applicable to those of more modest means as well.
- High Tech Dad: Product reviews from the perspective of a parent who is also an experienced journalist. Does it integrate into a family environment? Is it easy for kids to use? What is the price point?
- Ivan Siladji: His journey as a dad.
- Jaime Buckley: An author, illustrator, and dad of twelve.
- Joshua Rogers: Finding God in the ordinary.
- Lean Green Dad: Helping busy families start eating more plant-based foods, one step at a time.
- Life on a Dime: A Canadian stay at home dad blogging on homeschooling a preschooler and other thoughts.
- Lunchbox Dad: Making parents’ lives easier and kids lunches exciting.
- Papallaitants: This one is in French, but my browser translated it for me. It’s for dad’s who want to support their spouse’s choice to breastfeed.
- The Secure Dad: Secure homes, secure dads. The Secure Dad is a resource for dads to become secure in their homes and secure in their fatherhood.
- Single Dad Laughing: A professional animal artist and photographer, he just might be the best source of dad humor on the net.
- Skipah’s Realm: A dad started blogging to cope with the divorce that blindsided him, but he tries to keep the fun in his blog.
- St. Louis Dad: Yes, it does focus on the St. Louis area, but there is solid content for dads from other areas, too.
- Sunshine Dad: The adventures of a stay-at-home dad of five.
- Support for Stepdads: Help and support for stepdads.
- Playground Dad: An involved working dad, he focuses on tech and youth sports.
- View from a Daddy: One stay at home dad chronicles his experiences and adventures.
We hope you have fun looking at these sites and find some great content.
Stephen Altrogge
Thanks for this list!